Jim Bloom — Inside Somewhere
Dining & Destinations — October – November, 2010
Just Folk is proud to announce a new exhibition featuring the work of artist Jim Bloom, whose work first came to their attention at the Outsider Art Survey of 2008 at the HAI Gallery in New York City. Bloom then came to be represented by Sue and George Viener at the Outsider Folk Art Gallery in Reading, PA, from whom we acquired many additional works and whose cooperation helped make this show happen at Just Folk.
Born in Allentown, Pennsylvania in 1968 and now residing in Philadelphia, Bloom originally wanted to be a writer, but suffered from a debilitating back injury after an automobile accident in 2002, and developed a movement disorder which casued tremors and painful muscle contractions. This condition limited his mobility and forced him to spend a great deal of time confined at home. His work expressed paint, frustration and personal issues, and his earliest output was raw with anger, taut with emotion, and possessed a great wit and irony, not to mention a barely-smothered outrage at violence, gender issues, pop culture and loneliness.
Above all, Bloom's frankness and honesty leave an indelible impression. Hampered by an inability to work for long periods of time due to his physical condition, Bloom nevertheless concentrates his creative energies by expressing himself in any materials he can. His works are made from cardboard, layer upon layer, found objects, wood, newspaper and paper plates. He uses anything at hand, acrylics, house paint, watercolors, crayons, markers, pencils, pen or charcoal to create collage-like scenes often scrawled with words or expressions.
He is raw, dark, funny, insightful and very intense in his observations. He comments on inappropriate situations, personal or observed vulnerabilities, bad behavior and empty commerciality in many of his works. He it outspoken, bold, and unfilterd. Whether his art is therapy for his personal condition, or it is pure expression of creative enrgy, the works are sensitive, reflective and very intense. His scenes reflect complexity and contradiction; rarely is there one expression, but rather a profusion of emotions in each piece. Bloom seems to be inspired by a vision, and has once said that he wants to "get inside, somewhere" to explore and express what he finds.
The show at just Folk had an opening on October 15th with a reception for the artist and continued through November 28th, 2010. Forty one works were featured.
Just Folk, owned by former television producers Marcy Carsey and Susan Baerwald, opened in June 2007 in Summerland, CA. Both owners have been passionate collectors of American Folk Art for many years and started acquiring for the gallery in 2001. The gallery is the West Coast destination for traditional American Folk and Outsider Art. Just Folk exhibits yearly at The American Antiques Show and The Outsider Art Fair in New York City.
2346 Lillie Avenue
P.O. Box 578
Summerland, CA 93067
(805) 969-7118