Aldo Nason

Italian, 1920
Aldo Nason was born in 1920, into one of the oldest families of Murano glassmakers. The son of Emilio Nason, himself a glassblower and one of the founders of A.Ve.M. (Arte Vetraria Muranese), in 1937 at the age of 17 Aldo joined the firm as an apprentice glassblower. Upon the death of his father in 1959, Aldo became a partner in A.Ve.M., continuing there until 1968 when he founded his own workshop and began to collaborate with several other glass workshops, most notably A.V. Mazzega. Aldo Nason is best known for his Yokohama series of exquisitely detailed art glass pieces created during the 1950s through the 1960s, which combine gold leaf, starry murrines and metallic inclusions, and for his futuristic-looking tubular form lighting fixtures, created in the 1960s and 1970s with A.V. Mazzega. Aldo Nason is the cousin of noted glass artist Carlo Nason.
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