Culver Ltd.

Culver Ltd. is an American glassware company that was founded in Brooklyn, New York in 1939. The company was known for its high-quality glassware, which was often decorated with elaborate gold or enamel designs.
Culver Ltd. produced a wide range of glassware products, including tumblers, cocktail glasses, pitchers, and ice buckets. Their designs were often inspired by the Art Deco and Mid-Century Modern styles of the 1930s, 40s, and 50s, and their pieces were popular in homes, hotels, and restaurants around the world.
One of Culver Ltd.'s most iconic designs was their Valencia pattern, which featured a gold or enamel design of scrolling leaves and flowers on a frosted glass background. This pattern was produced in a variety of colors and was popular throughout the 1960s and 70s.
Culver Ltd. was also known for its collaborations with other designers and brands. For example, they worked with Georges Briard, a Russian-born artist and designer, to produce a line of glassware featuring his signature bold and colorful designs.
Today, Culver Ltd. glassware is highly sought after by collectors and vintage enthusiasts, and their pieces are considered to be some of the most iconic and recognizable glassware designs of the mid-20th century.
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