Robert Joseph McIntosh
American, 1916 - 2010
Robert Joseph McIntosh discovered his lifelong passion for painting at the tender age of 10, a calling he has steadfastly pursued ever since. While honing his skills, McIntosh often found solace in the stacks of books at the public library, immersing himself in the works of the Masters, particularly Michelangelo, Rembrandt, and Whistler. A pivotal moment in his artistic journey occurred during a Gauguin exhibit at the Legion of Honor in San Francisco, where he encountered a “whole new world of color.” This experience deepened his appreciation for the design of space within the frame of a painting.
"I envision a frame around everything I see," McIntosh explains, recognizing the artist's challenge to infuse that space with something meaningful, interesting, or beautiful. His commitment to exploring color and composition continues to define his work, making him a distinctive voice in the art community.
"I envision a frame around everything I see," McIntosh explains, recognizing the artist's challenge to infuse that space with something meaningful, interesting, or beautiful. His commitment to exploring color and composition continues to define his work, making him a distinctive voice in the art community.