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Milo Baughman
Milo Baughman Ivory Cream Semi-Circular Sectional Sofa for Thayer Coggin
H 24 in W 172 in D 34 in
$ 12,400
Milo Baughman
Milo Baughman for Thayer Coggin Mid Century Shelter Sofa
H 37 in W 85 in D 43 in
$ 4,995
Access Trade Price
Milo Baughman
Milo Baughman for Thayer Coggin MCM Leather and Walnut Lounge Chair Recliner
H 41 in W 26 in D 32 in
$ 3,995
Access Trade Price
Milo Baughman
Milo Baughman Scoop Chair in Gray Flannel with Iron Legs c. 1950s
H 27 in W 26 in D 27 in
$ 4,800
Milo Baughman
Milo Baughman for Directional Walnut Lowboy Dresser
H 30 in W 72 in D 18 in
$ 3,495
Access Trade Price
Milo Baughman
Milo Baughman Mid Century Rosewood Case Settees - Pair
H 26 in W 62 in D 35 in
$ 7,995
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Milo Baughman
Mid-Century Modern Milo Baughman Burlwood Sofa in Lenor Larsen Style Upholstery
H 25 in W 60 in D 34 in
$ 2,560
Milo Baughman
Milo Baughman for Lane Mid Century White Lacquer and Burlwood Armories - Pair
H 68 in W 20 in D 20 in
$ 2,395
Access Trade Price
Milo Baughman
Milo Baughman "Archie" Walnut Lounge Chair for Thayer Coggin
H 37 in W 30 in D 32 in
$ 2,895
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Milo Baughman
Milo Baughman for Thayer Coggin Sectional in White Woven Upholstery
H 31 in W 116 in D 82 in
$ 4,800
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Milo Baughman Style Pencil Reed Bamboo & Chrome Night Stands c. 1970s
H 25 in W 26 in D 12 in
$ 6,800
Milo Baughman Style Mid Century Black and Glass Etagere Display Shelving
H 60 in W 58 in D 16 in
$ 1,995
Access Trade Price
Milo Baughman
Milo Baughman for Drexel Perspective Mid Century Walnut Vanity Desk
H 29 in W 48 in D 19 in
$ 2,995
Access Trade Price
Milo Baughman
Milo Baughman for Thayer Coggin MCM Leather, Walnut Lounge Chair Recliner - Pair
H 41 in W 26 in D 32 in
$ 7,995
Access Trade Price