P.O. Box 6720 Incline Village, NV 89450 , United States Call Seller 510.414.4545


“Campfire Supreme” Marshmallow Tin. Boy Scout Motif. American Circa 1915

$ 295
  • Description
    This is a rare tin that was used to sell and promote marshmallows. The top of the tin is decorated to reflect the Boy Scouts in their ubiquitous camping tradition of sitting around the campfire, roasting marshmallows on a brightly lit full moon evening, with a teepee shaoed tent in the background, surrounded by rolling hills and trees.

    The tin was sold with a pound of marshmallows prepared by “Campfire Kitchens” as is noted on the circular side panel which is decorated all around with fir and pine trees. The company had outlets in both Milwaukee, Wisconsin and Cambridge, Massachusetts which is printed on the side panel (see image). It is in good condition; the lithography is nice and sharp (not faded); there are a few scratches and scuff marks here and there (see images), but by and large, a very pleasing finish to the original tin surface.
    Wonderful cross collectible item for both those who collect Americana and Boy Scout memorabilia as the tin was made the same period the Boy Scouts of America were gaining in popularity, around 1915-1920. Rare item, especially to have original top, which would have either been detached or discarded.

    Dimensions: 2 1/8? high x 8? diameter.

    American, Circa 1915 c.
    HEIGHT:2 1/8"
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Message from Seller:

Clive Devenish Antiques has been specializing in antique mechanical banks, toys, decorative arts, and 18th and 19th century furniture for over 40 years. For more information, contact 510.414.4545 or email clivedevenishantiques@comcast.net.

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