On offer for your consideration we have a wonderful humorous bronzes of two young boys, made in Vienna by Carl Kauba (cr.1890).
Each bronze has a title on the front side. One is the "Der Spötter" or "The Mocker", the other "Der Scheinheilige" or "The Hypocrite".
The casting of these two bronzes are very fine, the expression on the each of two boy's faces are delightful. This pieces are original of the period 1890-1900 and was made in Vienna, Austria.
They are both signed C Kauba; "Der Spötter" is also marked behind his shoulder Geschützt #5305; "Der Scheinheilige" is marked twice, once on the back of the shoulder not clear but it there Ges zt #5305 and on the base of the column also not clear but its there Geschützt #5305.