Offered by: Vintage Domus Srl
Via Ariosto, 16, 20089 Rozzano, Milano , Italy Call Seller 39.344.064.3230 Showrooms


Via Alessandro Farnese, 26 - 00192

Kuba Mask African Bwoom Tribal Congo in Wood, vibrates vegetables, animal hair

$ 3,500
  • Description
    The African Kuba Bwoom tribal mask is the oldest known mask, the Kuba bwoom mask. The materials used for the realization of the Mask are: Wood, colors and vibrates plants, caures, beads, animal hair. In dance it expresses exuberance and joy. The style is similar to that of the middle Kasai. This mask is a helmet with animal hair, carved with a very wide forehead and hollow cheeks that are announced by motifs or dashes and beads. The mouth of the mask is very pronounced carved in wood and then applied on the mask. To distinguish the forehead in different areas are used black and white beads to draw attention to other aspects of the face such as the nose and chin. The entire edge of the chin is surrounded by beads of various colors. The person wearing the mask cannot look because there are no holes for the eyes present; the mask must create the feeling of being blind. Some masks similar to the bwoom mask include the funny mask, the ram mask and initiation masks such as Nnup.

    The real Kuba masks are the most important and sacred, where images of nature spirits "mingesh" that act as intermediaries between the Supreme Being "Nyeem" and mortals are depicted. Kings and priests become Mingeshs after death. The bwoom occupies the second place of importance in the hierarchy. This mask is carefully preserved as a symbol of family continuity, unlike the moshambwooy, which is buried with the king when he dies. In dance it expresses exuberance and joy. e name Kuba, that is "people of lightning and light", is given by the neighbouring tribe Luba. The king, Nyim, is chosen in the sub-tribal Bushoong, "knife throwers". The myths and legends in the Kuba tradition tell of the creation and organization of the world and the legendary heroic facts.
    The mask comes from the Sankuru and Kasai-Congo Rivers Region.
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Vintage Domus' diverse collection ranges from the early 20th century to the 1990s to collectibles, showcasing exquisite examples of design from every era. In addition to early design, we offer antique furniture, tribal art, oriental art, photography, advertising, and movie posters. Our main focus is on interior design - lighting, furniture, decor and accessories.

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