Offered by: Mayfair Gallery
39 South Audley Street London W1K 2PP , England Call Seller 44.207.491.3435


A large collection of silverware by Tétard Frères

$ 70,000
  • Description
    A large collection of silverware by Tétard Frères
    French, Early 20th Century
    Total weight: 29,400 grams
    Large trays: Height 2cm, width 50cm, depth 40cm
    Small cups: Height 5cm, diameter 5cm
    This extensive collection of very fine silverware was made in France in the early twentieth century by the leading firm, Tétard Frères, and comprises a large number of dinnerware and serve ware items, with a total weight of over 29kg, thanks in large part to the heavy, solid silver dishes included. Tétard Frères was founded in 1880, initially working in the Louis XV style, before switching to a more modern Art Deco manner, crafting traditional pieces in an updated, sleeker style.
    This collection comprises: a large round bowl, a deep dish, and a number of circular dishes, of varying diameters and weight. There are also large rectangular silver trays, mustard pots, salt shaker, with and without liners, and a selection of liqueur goblets and coasters. The silver is fully hallmarked, and comes with three, original retail zip-lined cases.
    Artist/ Maker: Tétard Frères
  • More Information
    Documentation: Signed
    Origin: France
    Period: 1900-1919
    Materials: Silver.
    Creation Date: Early 20th Century
    Styles / Movements: Traditional
    Dealer Reference #: 16947
    Incollect Reference #: 655306
Message from Seller:

Mayfair Gallery is a leading gallery in the field of art and antiques, holding a large collection of unique pieces for sale. The breadth of the gallery’s collection is wide, and includes items from a range of periods, styles and geographical origins, as well as works by famous artists and craftsmen. The main focus of the gallery’s collection is, however, on items produced during the 19th and early 20th century.

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