Antique Oil Painting of Conquistadors
Antique Oil Painting of Conquistadors
This fabulous oil painting dates to 1923 and is beautifully framed. It is a fine quality period copy of a painting by Salvador Sanchez Barbudo. The 1923 painter is unknown but was obviously a world class painter.
It is inscribed: "Copia del [illegible] di Salvador Sanchez Barbudo por [illegible] 1923". -
More Information
Period: 1920-1949 Materials: Canvas, Giltwood, Oil Paint. Condition: Good. Vintage, Antique or Pre-owned. Good Condition, Original Condition Unaltered, Some Imperfections. Typical wear. The painting has been recanvased. Creation Date: 1920's Styles / Movements: Other Incollect Reference #: 470804 -
W. 59 in; H. 43 in; D. 2 in; W. 149.86 cm; H. 109.22 cm; D. 5.08 cm;
Message from Seller:
PROSPR is a division of Randy Esada Designs and offers a wide range of pedigree modern and antique fine home furnishings, lighting and decorative art. Located on Beverly Boulevard near The Grove, and is situated in the most interesting design district in Los Angeles. We have been in business since 1998 yet are always reinventing