28E Jobs Lane Southampton, NY 11968 , United States Call Seller 631.204.0383


"Portrait of Susan"

$ 8,000
  • Description
    Oil on masonite painting by the Russian/American artist, Nahum Tschacbasov. Signed top right and dated 1966. Titled verso. Condition is excellent. Unframed. Provenance: Sarasota, Florida estate

    Nahum Tschacbasov was born in Russia in 1899 and came to the United States with his parents when he as eight years old. He lived in New York City for most of his life as well as East Hampton, New York from 1971 til his death in 1984. He studied in Paris under Rouault, Leger and Max Beckmann. His works are in the permanent collections of many museums including: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York; Whitney Museum of Art, New York; Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, Philadelphia; Jewish Museum, New York; Brooklyn Museum, New York, Dallas Museum of Fine Arts and the Butler Institute of American Art.
  • More Information
    Origin: United States, New York
    Period: 1950-1979
    Materials: Oil paint on masonite
    Condition: Excellent. Unframed
    Creation Date: 1966
    Styles / Movements: Abstract Expressionism, Modernism
    Incollect Reference #: 237498
  • Dimensions
    W. 24 in; H. 36 in; D. 0.25 in;
    W. 60.96 cm; H. 91.44 cm; D. 0.64 cm;
Message from Seller:

Arthur T. Kalaher Fine Art, located in Southampton, NY, offers a curated selection of traditional and contemporary works, including pieces by the Peconic Bay Impressionists and the estate of Nahum Tschacbasov. For inquiries, contact 631.204.0383 or visit arthurkalaherfineart.com.

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