Offered by: Ideelart
160 Fernhead Road London W93EL , England Call Seller 44.794.909.4572


Hybrid 1

$ 8,700
  • Description
    Free Worldwide delivery.

    Auto paint on cast acrylic - Unframed.

    This work consists of cut and reassembled sheets of Plexiglas. The process starts with a simple line drawing on paper, which is then transposed onto the Plexiglas. The lines are then cut to create several segments, each one with edges that can be coloured and surfaces that can be altered for effect. After painting these sections are carefully reassembled but with borders that permeate colour within the very surface of the painting. Natural light reflects off the internal painted edges to create a soft diffusion of local colour on either side, allowing each section to resonate with subtle and alternative hues.

    The principal material common to every piece in Tom Henderson's work is Plexiglas. It is an extremely versatile material that possesses two qualities that inspire the work – form and light. Unlike a flat canvas, a sheet of Plexiglas is a multifaceted object that can support itself in space as well as absorb, reflect, and permeate light.

    The work is 6mm plexiglas mounted on 3mm Dibond which is supported by a 18mm aluminium frame that hangs on the wall with a wooden bracket that fits into a slot in the aluminium frame.
  • More Information
    Documentation: Signed
    Origin: France
    Period: New
    Materials: Auto paint on cast acrylic
    Condition: New.
    Creation Date: 2018
    Styles / Movements: Color, Contemporary
    Incollect Reference #: 496547
  • Dimensions
    W. 59.06 in; H. 59.06 in;
    W. 150 cm; H. 150 cm;
Shipping Information:

Free worldwide shipping - 30 days return policy

Message from Seller:

IdeelArt is a curated online gallery specializing in contemporary abstract art, offering original, signed artworks delivered directly from the artist’s studio. For inquiries, contact +44.794.909.4572 or

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