Edward Lear, Set of Three Swans: Whistling Swan, Berwick’s Swan, Domestic Swan.
Hand-coloured lithographed plates, heightened with gum arabic. Framed and glazed. Overall 62 x 45cm.
Edward Lear is one of the greatest ornithological artists of all time. Lear's contributions included the most eye-catching subjects in the book: eagles, owls, cranes, pelicans, geese, swans, and flamingos.
Lear's plates are from bird drawings that ‘are certainly among the most remarkable bird drawings ever made, [for] it is evident that Lear endowed them with some measure of his own whimsy and intelligence, his energetic curiosity, his self-conscious clumsiness and his unselfconscious charm’ (Hyman).
‘He introduced a sense of subtlety and freedom into her drawings where previously she had only mimicked the technique used in etching or engraving. There is no doubt that Edward Lear was the first person to understand the art of lithography and to use it to its fullest potential. It was a legacy that made the works of Gould into a success and took them into the forefront of nineteenth-century illustration’ (Tree). - More Information
W. 24.41 in; H. 17.72 in; D. 0.2 in; W. 62 cm; H. 45 cm; D. 0.5 cm;
Message from Seller:
Shapero Gallery Located in the heart of Mayfair, London, Shapero Gallery specializes in prints and original works on paper, ranging from antique prints to modern pochoir plates and photography. For inquiries, contact us at +44.207.493.0876 or gallery@shapero.com.