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Robert James Walsh & Company
13 River Street
Windsor, VT 05089 , United States
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French Hand-Pulled Pochoir Print Showing Fashions and People of the 1920s
$ 345
Tear Sheet Print
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This Art Deco period hand-pulled pochoir print depicts the grand interior of an modernist building. A lady in voluminous, flowing gown enters the room descending a rounded, decorative staircase. This could be the lobby of a grand hotel, a night-club, or a casino. Her gown billows out and reveals the striking Art Deco pattern of the lining. Her hair is bobbed in the current fashion and she presents an elegant, elongated silhouette. Below her is a standing couple, the woman with a skull cap, bee-stung lips, and a beauty mark, the man with slicked down hair and wearing an evening suit. In the background a gentlemen in evening attire and slicked hair stands and looks. The styles shown are from 1920s France. The hand-made pochoir technique is elegant and sharp. The design is fluid and stunning. The sight measurements are: 8.25"W x 10.5"H; the overall measurements with the frame are listed below.
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Origin: France Period: 1920-1949 Materials: Hand-pulled stencil pochoir technique in paint on paper Condition: Good. In contemporary metal frame and matting with protective glass. Creation Date: 1925 Styles / Movements: Modernism, Other , Minimalism Dealer Reference #: C-CM18-2c Incollect Reference #: 692804 -
W. 12 in; H. 16 in; D. 1 in; W. 30.48 cm; H. 40.64 cm; D. 2.54 cm;
Message from Seller:
Robert James Walsh & Company is a thirty-year-old Vermont business dealing in antiques, art, and modernism. Robert Walsh, owner, is also an Accredited Member of Appraisers Association of America, as well as a respected consultant. We have participated in many international trade shows in the US and Canada.
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