21 results from a fabrication process in which thin porcelain sheets are draped over an inverted diffuser made of sandblasted borosilicate glass. The thin porcelain skin is allowed to dress the borosilicate core in whatever form occurs naturally – creating a unique shape in every iteration of the fabrication process.
Each glass diffuser houses a low-voltage xenon or LED lamp. A strong contrast occurs between the soft, organically distributed light passing through the white porcelain skin and the crisp light moving through the glass diffuser. 21s are designed to cluster in groups, with individual pieces touching each other to create a layered composition in three dimensions.
More Information
Lead Time:
4-6 weeks
21.1: single pendant | $470
21.3: three pendants | $1,410
21.5: five pendants | $2,350
21.7: seven pendants | $3,290
21.11: eleven pendants | $6,820
21.14: fourteen pendants | $8,680
21.21: twenty one pendants | $13,020
21.26: twenty six pendants | $16,120
21.36: thirty six pendants | $22,320
21.50: fifty pendants | $31,000
adjustable: 21.1-21.7
non-adjustable: 21.11-21.61
coax maximum length: 100'
lamps and power supplies included
specify 20w xenon or 1.5w LED
size: shallow (Ø 4.5"), mini (Ø 1.2"), mini innie* (Ø 3.5"), mini outie* (Ø 1.5")
metal: brushed nickel, white powder coat
*innie/outie: white polyurethane
21.3 - cluster available
size: round (Ø 6”)
metal: brushed nickel, white powder coat
size: round (Ø 6”)
metal: brushed nickel, white powder coat
21.7 - cluster available
size: round (Ø 8”)
metal: brushed nickel, white powder coat
size: rectangular (33.5” x 11.2"), square (20” x 20”)
metal: brushed nickel, white powder coat
size: rectangular (33.5 x 11.2”), round (Ø 20”)
metal: brushed nickel, white powder coat
21.19 - cluster only
size: round (Ø 20”)
metal: brushed nickel, white powder coat
size: rectangular (33.5 x 11.2”)
metal: brushed nickel, white powder coat
size: rectangular (39.4” x 13.2”), round (Ø 23.6”)
metal: brushed nickel, white powder coat
size: rectangular (43.3” x 14.6”), round (Ø 29.7”), square (29.7" x 29.7")
metal: brushed nickel, white powder coat
21.37 - cluster only
size: round (Ø 23.6”)
metal: brushed nickel, white powder coat
size: square (29.7" x 29.7")
metal: brushed nickel, white powder coat
21.61 - cluster only
size: round (Ø 27.8")
metal: brushed nickel, white powder coat