Contemporary one of a kind "Reta" chair from "Cars never die" collection by Brazilian Artist Alê Jordão.
The Reta chair is made of repurposed crushed GMC car parts painted in silver.
Noticing the great number of abandoned cars in the streets of Brazilian metropolises, Alê Jordão envisioned the collection “Cars Never Die”, repurposing what was previously scrap metal into bold pieces that Stand at the very edge between art and design. Every piece is made by hand by the artist, who bends and welds Chevettes, Opalas and Kombis, among other nacional automobile industry icons, into unique sculptures that function as chairs and tables. One by one, Alê forges these art-objects in such a way to retain in the piece its meaningful manufacture process, keeping it alive and part of the finished piece. “Each dent is different. The piece’s finishing is always a surprise”, says the artist.
Alê Jordão started his professional artistic career in 2001 and, since then, has defined a potent and complex body of work, both materially and conceptually. Throughout his career, he has taken part in nacional individual and collective exhibits in São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Belo Horizonte, Curitiba, Salvador and Fortaleza, as well as international, in Paris, Milan, Rome, Firenze, London, Munique, Estocolm, Brussels, Ibiza, Los Angeles, Miami and New York. The artist has received the following awards: best Brazilian contemporary art concept – MUBE, 2002, Rome Contemporary Art Award-GuiseppeSelvage, 2002, Salone Satellite – Milan, 2008, and sculptural Artwork – Rome Bienalle, 2013.