Art Deco Bar Modern French Style Double Deck Double Door
Art Deco Modern French Style Double Decker bar. Custom design in spectacular woods inside and out. Interior of solid finished wood in a burl honey-colored maple wood. Even the shelves and cup rails are all in wood. Super quality. This would make a great home entertainment Art Deco bar or dining room piece.
Separate storage for bottles, glass shelves, and mirrors. Imagine the surprise when you open this up for guests, filled with all of your beautiful bar bottles, glasses, and accouterments. Beautiful new chrome 1/2 round to circle modernist handles, both with locking keys.
33″ W x 48″ T 18″ D (65″ W open) Lower area
24″ W (48″ W open) Top
Price (USD)
$ 10,000 - More Information
W. 65 in; H. 48 in; D. 18 in; W. 165.1 cm; H. 121.92 cm; D. 45.72 cm;
Message from Seller: was one of the very first Antique/Art Deco businesses to have an online, worldwide presence. In addition to our highly regarded past retail locations in San Francisco and our current 7,000-square-foot showroom-by-appointment in Oakland, California, we have maintained a website for over 25 years. P: 510.501.4020 E: