Jacobus Houbraken

Dutch, 1698 - 1780
Jacobus Houbraken (1698-1780) was a Dutch engraver and portraitist who is best known for his series of engravings titled "The Heads of Illustrious Persons of Great Britain," which was published in the mid-18th century. Born in Dordrecht, Houbraken was the son of the well-known painter and art historian Arnold Houbraken. He studied under his father and eventually became an accomplished engraver in his own right. In addition to his portraits of British luminaries, Houbraken also produced engravings of historical scenes and landscapes. He was known for his skill in capturing the likeness and personality of his subjects, and his engravings were highly prized by collectors and connoisseurs of the time. Today, Houbraken's portraits are considered valuable historical documents and are frequently used as reference material by scholars and researchers.
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