William Langson Lathrop
American, 1859 - 1938
William Langston Lathrop was a largely self-taught artist, although he studied briefly at the Art Students League in 1887 with William M, Chase. Lathrop was one of the founders of the New Hope School and worked with Tonalist and Impressionistic techniques. He worked in landscapes from 1880s to the 1910s. The backgrounds of his paintings provided a Tonalist mood and color. In the early 1920s, Lathrop's work lightened in color to an Impressionist's palette. He painted his landscapes mainly from memory. In 1874, Lathrop worked in NYC as a graphic assistant for Harper's Weekly and Century Magazine and developed close ties with "The Ten", staying in NYC until 1898. In 1899 Lathrop moved to New Hope, where he was a teacher in the area which reaches from the banks of the Delaware River to Bucks County, PA. Lathrop died in 1938 in PA.Biography courtesy of The Caldwell Gallery,