The 73 is formed by blowing liquid glass into a folded and highly heat-resistant ceramic fabric vessel. The resulting shape has a formal and textural expression intuitively associated with fabric, which becomes permanent and rigid as it cools. Each 73 is completely unique in proportion, size, and shape.
The 73 random is suspended using coaxial cable and composed in ambient groupings.
Lead Time:
please contact sales@twentieth.net
73.1: Single pendant | $825
73.3: Three pendants | $2,475
73.8: Eight pendants | $4,125
73.11: Eleven pendants | $5,775
73.20: Twenty pendants | $10,725
73s/sp: Surface light | $825
73s brass: Surface light | $900
Pendant: Ø 10.5" - 15.7"
Blown Glass, Black Powder Coated Stainless
Steel Armature, Electrical Components, Black
Powder Coated Canopy
$165 upcharge per color pendant
(grey 1, grey 2 or grey 3)
$40 - Extra coax lengths - per 10' increment
(maximum length is 100')
Lamps and power supplies included.
Please specify 10w xenon or 1.5w LED.
73.1 to 73.3 available in brushed nickel or white
powder coated adjustable lengths canopy
73.1 - 4.5" Ø brushed nickel round canopy (deep and shallow)
73.1m - 1.2" Ø canopy
73.1mi - 3.5" Ø canopy
73.1mo - 1.5" Ø canopy
73.3 - 8" Ø canopy
73.8 - 33.5" x 11.2" rectangular canopy
73.8 - 20" Ø round canopy
73.11 - 39.4" x 14.6" rectangular canopy
73.11 - 23.6" Ø round canopy
73.20 - 52" x 17.5" rectangular canopy
73.20 - 29.7" Ø round canopy
73.20 - 29.7" x 29.7" square canopy
73s - 3.1" Ø mounting plate rated for wall and ceiling use
73sp - 4.5" Ø paintable mounting plate rated for wall and ceiling us
73s brass - 3" Ø mounting plate rated for wall use
73t - 3" Ø base with 90" long flexible cable