Offered by: Mayfair Gallery
39 South Audley Street London W1K 2PP , England Call Seller 44.207.491.3435


Chinese hardstone floral tree in a cloisonné enamel planter

$ 3,250
  • Description
    Chinese hardstone floral tree in a cloisonné enamel planter
    Chinese, 20th Century
    Height 19cm, width 13cm, depth 11cm
    This stunning flower model combines several semi-precious hardstones with a petite cloisonné enamel planter. Sitting atop a resin-treated metal trunk are multiple hardstone blooms, with materials including lapis lazuli, rose quartz, and carnelian. Each blossom is centred by a stigma, which comprises yellow beads held together by thread-wrapped wire. The vibrant and pastel shades of the flowers are excellently contrasted by the dark green leaves, which are expertly carved from nephrite.
    The tree sits within a black cloisonné enamel planter. The pot is decorated with pastel pink flowers surrounded by green leaves, complementing the floral theme of the object. Miniature gold clouds cover the entirety of the pot, which in Chinese culture symbolise oncoming good fortune.
    Bringing together many precious materials and historic techniques, this beautiful Chinese work is a true objet d’art.
  • More Information
    Origin: China
    Period: 1950-1979
    Materials: Cloisonné enamel, hardstone, lapis lazuli, metal, nephrite, rose quartz, carnelian.
    Styles / Movements: Modern, Asian
    Dealer Reference #: 17320
    Incollect Reference #: 729293
  • Dimensions
    W. 5.12 in; H. 7.48 in; D. 4.33 in;
    W. 13 cm; H. 19 cm; D. 11 cm;
Message from Seller:

Mayfair Gallery is a leading gallery in the field of art and antiques, holding a large collection of unique pieces for sale. The breadth of the gallery’s collection is wide, and includes items from a range of periods, styles and geographical origins, as well as works by famous artists and craftsmen. The main focus of the gallery’s collection is, however, on items produced during the 19th and early 20th century.

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