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3227 14th Ave
Oakland, CA 94602 , United States
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Black Handled Silverplated Art Deco Champagne Cooler by WMF
$ 800
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Stylish Art Deco Champagne Cooler with massive black bakelite handles, created by the German company WMF in the 1930s .
WMF stands for the full name , the Wurttembergische Metallwarenfabrik. the most important exporter of household decorative silver tableware during the early part of the 20th Century. WMF pieces cannot be attributed to an individual designer as the company was quite large and employed many artists. Especially famous for their Art Nouveau and Jugendstil designs from 1900-1920s, in the 30′s they ventured into more modern designs like this one. - More Information
W. 8.5 in; H. 8 in; W. 21.59 cm; H. 20.32 cm;
Message from Seller:
ArtDecoCollection.com was one of the very first Antique/Art Deco businesses to have an online, worldwide presence. In addition to our highly regarded past retail locations in San Francisco and our current 7,000-square-foot showroom-by-appointment in Oakland, California, we have maintained a website for over 25 years. P: 510.501.4020 E: info@artdecocollection.com
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