Queen Anne Walnut Table
Queen Anne Walnut Table a fine little table with pinched molded corners. I great condition with wonderful, figured veneers.\nThe frieze with a single drawer with brass knob handle. With slight cabriole legs ending on pad feet.
Dimensions: Height: 28 in (71.12 cm) Width: 27.25 in (69.22 cm) Depth: 18 in (45.72 cm) -
More Information
Origin: England Period: 18th Century Materials: Brass, Walnut Condition: Good. Creation Date: 1715 Styles / Movements: Traditional, Queen Anne Dealer Reference #: 47186 Incollect Reference #: 777526 -
W. 27.25 in; H. 28 in; D. 18 in; W. 69.22 cm; H. 71.12 cm; D. 45.72 cm;
Message from Seller:
David Neligan Antiques, located in Essex, Massachusetts, offers a large inventory of period English and Continental furniture and decorative arts. With over 35 years of experience and a background in both appraisal and auctioneering, David is a trusted expert in the field; contact him at 978.768.3910 or via email at david@davidneliganantiques.com.