Clinton Howell Antiques

30 East 95th Street Apt 5B
New York City, NY 10128
United States


Member of the following market(s): New York City | Vetted Show Galleries
          Clinton Howell Antiques is a New York City-based antique dealer in very fine English antique furniture and decorative objects, serving a world-wide clientele of collectors, designers and museums alike.        


Clinton Howell Owner

President- Clinton Howell Antiques
President - Art and Antique Dealers League of America
Member of National Antique and Art Dealers League of America
Member of CINOA

Emily B. Collins Gallery Director

Joined Clinton Howell in 2010
Founder, Co-Chair - Arts' Night Out
Member, World Monuments Fund, Moai Circle; American Young Georgians; Project Art Junior Board

Walnut shaving mirror H 28 in W 18 in D 9 in $ 3,950
Pair of walnut stools H 16 in W 19 in D 17 in $ 9,500
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